Reputation Lens
You listen to your intuition (sensibility) to determine what character traits and virtues will best serve the community (equality).
Your Core Values: Equality and sensibility
You prioritize the value of equality over autonomy. Your primary concern is the well-being of the whole community and you believe that assuring the community’s well-being is the best way to assure that individuals are treated fairly.
You prioritize the value of sensibility over rationality. You believe the best results are achieved by examining each situation in its own context rather than applying one-size-fits-all solutions.
Your Classical Values: Fortitude
You demonstrate courage and steadiness in the face of obstacles. You tend to avoid rash actions while at the same time charting an untested course. You value connections and friendship, appreciating those who work with you as you.
Your Key Phrase: “I make virtuous choices.”
Because you value equality and sensibility, you tend to assume that everyone lives out the positive character traits required by their role.
Your Definition of ethical behavior: Living out Role Responsibilities
You define an ethical person as one with sound character traits and habits of thoughtful reflection. For you, those who demonstrate strong leadership in their roles and who encourage others to do the same exemplify ethical behavior.
Your Tools for analyzing problems: Tradition
You like to gather information about what others in your role or a similar situation have done, as you carefully assess a problem. Even as you consider what others you respect have done in similar situations, you will remain attentive to the unique needs of the community in this case.
Your Gift: Compassion
Because you value equality, when you are at your best, you demonstrate compassion for others. You care about the community as a whole and about its individual members. While living into the requirements of