I have either a mature ability to use the right tools in a given situation or a paralyzed belief that everyone has a valid point. Although each of us has preferred lens, some who are ethically mature and able to use the tools of all the lenses, adapting them as appropriate in a given situation, test in the center of the grid. Others who test in the center of the grid actually have underdeveloped ethical skills. Those without skills tend to be paralyzed by their ability to see all sides and are too desperate to please everyone. I personally think I do more of the being desperate to please everyone than the not being able to see all sides of the situation.
I was able to get this information from the exercise I did at: http://www.ethicsgame.com/Exec/Eli/EthicalLensResults.aspx?R=1
My Core Values are: Autonomy, Equality, Rationality and Sensibility. I value autonomy and equality equally and I value rationality and sensibility equally.
My Classic Values are: Temperance, Prudence, Justice and Fortitude. I am able to manifest all four classic virtues depending on what the circumstances require.
My Key Phrase is: “I make ethical choices for myself and others.” I am able to see myself and others clearly, therefore I do not make assumptions about why people act the way they do or how things should be done.
My Definition of Ethical Behavior is: Doing the Right Thing. I tend to hold this high