What commonalities do you see in the vaules you have chosen?
The things my five important values have an in common with each other are they all reflect a person who cherish the lives of others. By having respect for others, believes everyone deserve equal opportunity, taking action, and love. In my youth, my siblings and I were taugh that we must respect all even those others might not. Also, helping others was another area that my parents showed us growing up. They always expressed to us that not everyone have what they need to get by but someone else might have. That if we could taking something of our own to help a friend in need that we were doing what God has intended for us to do and that is taking care of our neighbors.
How do these vaules affect your decision making?
All of the vaules I have selected are the reasons I have been able to make rhe best decisions as possible based on the facts known at the time. I tend to think hard before I make my decision especially those that will effect others lives.
What will you do when one or more of the vaules you have listed conflict?
If one or more of my listed vaules conflict with each ither I will try my best to find the best solutions. I would take into consideration the stakes or the consequences of my decisions. Next, I would chose to follow the vaule that causes the least amount of hurt to someone.
Reflect on the values of your organization or an organization you are familiar with. Are there any major differences between your personal values and the organization's values?
The organization that I work of is Volunteers of America. This organization mission is "to reach and uplift all people and bring them to the knowledge and active service of God" (VOAGBR, 2013). After reviweing my values in life, I find that they are very similiar to those that the organization that I work for.