will personal information be utilized. Moreover, I have contacted the assistant superintendent of curriculum with the district in which I work. I have asked for permission to conduct research within our district. When speaking with him, a description of the research topic was explained. At that time, I explained that no names would be used for any of the data collected. More importantly, by only collecting data with no names used there is a guarantee of confidentiality and at anonymity. Also, I discussed with the assistant superintendent that my conclusions would be revealed with the remainder of our district.
Since beginning the action research, I have been in constant contact with my campus mentor through email and face-to-face conversations with the progress that I have made with the research. Additionally, according to the Cold of Ethics in American Educational Research Association, educational researchers should take reasonable steps to avoid harm with others in the conduct other professional work. Furthermore, in educational research you do not engage in discrimination based on race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, gender, age, languages, or disabilities (American Educational Research Association, 2011). In fact, because of the anonymity, at no time will any of the students be harmed or discriminated against. Simple age-appropriate surveys will be anonymously completed by the students regarding reading that occurs in the home. Also, educational researchers strive to maintain the highest levels of competence in their work; they recognize her limitations other expertise; and they undertake only those task which they are qualified by education, training, or
experience. They recognize the need for ongoing education in order to maintain professionally competent; and they utilize the appropriate scientific, scholarly, professional, technical, and administrative resources needed to ensure competence in their professional activities. They consult with other professionals when necessary for the benefit other students, research participants, and clients (American Educational Research Association, 2011).