Dec 21, 2004
Ethics of School Filters for the Internet
School Filters for the Internet
Protecting children from online pornography is a constant political issue on Capitol Hill, and local school boards could find themselves handed yet another federal mandate telling them how to do their jobs. The U.S. Senate recently added amendments to a large spending bill requiring schools and libraries to block student access to pornography on the Internetdespite any evidence that such institutions have turned themselves into electronic red-light districts. The toughest proposal is the Children's Internet Protection Act, sponsored by Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Fritz …show more content…
And statistics vary on the extent to which children have been exposed to inappropriate material on the Internet at school. A Consumer Reports test of popular filter software found most allowed access to as many as one in five objectionable Web pages while blocking access to legitimate ones. Filters have blocked Web sites about the movie "Babe," a film about a pig, and the catering service "Let's Have an Affair. In some cases, filters block harmless sites merely because their software does not consider the context in which a word or phrase is used. At Intermediate School 93 in Ridgewood, students were researching the election stalemate today when an eighth grader came across a web site that used foul language. It slipped through the board of education's Internet filter and so did suggestive photos. But most of the time, students are frustrated because the filter limits their resources. One seventh grader wanted to study Tino Martinez. He couldn't. Same for Jackie Robinson. Also, ancient Olympic games were access denied because the board of education software blocks sports as a subject (American). These issues should be taken up with the school district itself. They are the ones who determine what will be blocked and can override certain subject areas and words. It is important to keep in mind that some sites use incorrect names or deliberately misspell words for their website so that it can bypass a filter. It is these types of people that children need to be protected