The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is commonly referred to as Obamacare. President Obama signed this federal statue into effect in March 2010. There are many provisions in this statue including the mandate requiring all US citizens to have health care coverage. On June 28, 2012 the Supreme Court Uphold the Individual Mandate. Chief Justice Roberts voted to up held the mandate the provision which requires citizens to buy health care insurance or pay a penalty. Robert’s decision created the majority ruling approving the mandate as a tax. Although the Supreme Court upholds the Individual Mandate for Health Care it does not answer the question if it’s ethical. The general consensus holds that societies today have a responsibility to ensure all members of the society have access to the medical care they need. ObamaCare provides a way for existing private resources and the individual participate in government transactions. This will increase the federal government regulation of private health care coverage. E. Haislmaier, March 2013. The consensus among the stakeholders is there are four ethical obligations regarding access to health care. The Hasting Center Report in 2007 defined these four obligations as the following:
1. Every Member of Society Have Adequate Health Care Benefits
2. The Contents and Limits Must be Established Through Ethical Process
3. The Healthcare System Must Be Sustainable
4. Stakeholders in the Health Care system known their responsibilities and be accountable
Michael Hartwig, 2011, “states that health care is an investment in the shared well -being and productivity of our communities which in turn, foster more opportunity and well-being for individuals.” He further points out the work of Wilkinson and Pickett show societies with poorer health care outcomes for the poor but for all in the society. Vicki Lachman, PhD ,2012 writes the United States is the