White privilege is a hidden and transparent inclination that is often challenging to address. Only upon closer inspection do we see how it perpetuates a sense of entitlement, it generates perks and advantages for white people and elevates their status in the world. In Feagin and Vera, “Confronting One’s Own Racism”, they argue that the 'declining significance of race' theorists are at odds with the empirical evidence, which underscores their argument that racism is alive and well in America. Compelling evidence is presented, showing the racial inequalities in education, health, employment and income, which result in the fact that blacks are three times as likely as whites to be living in poverty. For Feagin and Vera the primary factor lying behind the social condition of blacks in America is white racism, defined as the 'socially organized set of attitudes, ideas, and practices that deny African Americans and other people of color the dignity, opportunities, freedoms, and rewards that this nation offers white Americans'.…