Bibliography: 1. Blumer, Herbert. Symbolic interactionism: Perspective and method. Univ of California Press, 1986. 2. Dennis, Alex. "Symbolic Interactionism and Ethnomethodology." Symbolic Interaction 34.3 (2011): 349-356. 3. Denzin, Norman K. "Symbolic interactionism and ethnomethodology: A proposed synthesis." American Sociological Review (1969): 922-934. 4. Gallant, Mary J., and Sherryl Kleinman. "SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM VS ETHNOMETHODOLOGY." Symbolic Interaction 6.1 (1983): 1-18 5. Goffman, Erving. Interaction ritual: Essays in face to face behavior. Aldine Transaction, 2005. 6. Mead, George Herbert. Mind, self, and society: From the standpoint of a social behaviorist. Vol. 1. University of Chicago press, 2009.
Bibliography: 1. Blumer, Herbert. Symbolic interactionism: Perspective and method. Univ of California Press, 1986. 2. Dennis, Alex. "Symbolic Interactionism and Ethnomethodology." Symbolic Interaction 34.3 (2011): 349-356. 3. Denzin, Norman K. "Symbolic interactionism and ethnomethodology: A proposed synthesis." American Sociological Review (1969): 922-934. 4. Gallant, Mary J., and Sherryl Kleinman. "SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM VS ETHNOMETHODOLOGY." Symbolic Interaction 6.1 (1983): 1-18 5. Goffman, Erving. Interaction ritual: Essays in face to face behavior. Aldine Transaction, 2005. 6. Mead, George Herbert. Mind, self, and society: From the standpoint of a social behaviorist. Vol. 1. University of Chicago press, 2009.