The actions and words of Marian toward the nurse and elderly women from the start is very rude one might say. The conversation between Marian and the nurse brings out important …show more content…
and distinct character traits about Marian. Her true personality and intentions are instantly revealed as she starts to converse with the nurse. When the text says, “Marian did not tell her that this visit would give her a minimum of only three points in her score,” readers see that she is only at the old ladies’ home for her own personal benefit. Marian is not interested in actually spending quality time with elderly women and possibly creating a special bond. However, her greed and selfishness, like most humans, has her undivided attention. Even later on, readers discover more of Marian’s true intention for this particular visit. Initially, through her words, Marian’s selfishness is undeniable. For instance, lines 18-20 state, “Acquainted with any of our residents?” asked the nurse. She lifted one eyebrow and spoke like a man.“With any old ladies? No—but—that is, any of them will do,” Marian stammered(lines 18-20). At this moment, readers understand that Marian is indifferent to whom she visits. It seems that she has no purpose for her visit. The only thing that she is concerned about at this moment is the fact that she will be given personal points for visiting two elderly women.
As the story continues, readers witness another side of Marian. While walking down the hall, Marian begins to drift off and an unusual feeling consumes her consciousness. She does not know what to expect from this particular visit. This is where the drastic change takes place. The once outspoken and inconsiderate fourteen-year-old shifts into an anxious and reserved child. For instance, lines 34-37 state, “There are two in each room,” the nurse remarked over her shoulder. “Two what?” asked Marian without thinking. The sound like a sheep's bleating almost made her turn around and run back (lines 34-37). Here, Marian is faced with an unexpected fear that causes her to lose her self-assurance and become a fearful and innocent young child. By being put in this unfamiliar environment , she is not so indifferent like before. Her actions are not as harsh but are now delicate and discreet like an innocent young child.
At the climax of the story, readers see Marian’s shift once again. Before, she is seen as a selfish and greedy young child but now she transforms into a considerate and thoughtful young lady . At this important peek of the story, Marian actually realizes that the women are like her. She realizes that they are human that have feelings like everyone else. For instance, line 180 states, “How old are you?” Marian breathed. Here, Marian begins to open up to Addie, one of the elderly women, about her age. This signifies that Marian is actually putting forth an effort to see if Addie becoming older but is to the fact is her true problem. Also, lines 181-184 state, “She wondered about her-she wondered for a moment as though there was nothing else in the world to wonder about. It was the first time such a thing had happened to Marian.” At this given moment, the readers no longer see a selfish or even shy little girl who is first introduced in the story, but hey now see her transform in a caring and attentive person, who no longer views the elderly women as being bitter and insane but as helpless people who are seeking a way out of their agony. She sees them as being humans who are afraid to face the reality of death. Marian truly begins to understand their mental pain in which they can not escape, and this particular action is very unusual for Marian because before the readers see her as being a self-centered young girl who is not concerned about anyone but her own self. Marian even begins to develop a sense of sympathy for the both of them trying to feel for her and open up to Addie.
By the end of the story, her final transformation occurs.
Marian’s final transformation happens when she watches Addie begin to cry and she makes a quick move toward the door,but the hand of the other elderly woman quickly grasps her arm. The woman begs Marian for the smallest portion of change. At this moment, the readers see the desperate attempt of the women trying to obtain something from the young child as her way out of the home. Then, Marian aggressively pulls away from the elderly woman and runs out of the home without even saying goodbye to the nurse. She settles down under a shrub bush where she finds an apple. When the bus finally approaches her, she quickly aboards it hoping to get far away from the home and the people inside. At the end, she takes a bite out of her apple(lines 196-218). Here not only does the readers see that Marian is filled with a tremendous amount of fear but also with a tremendous amount of knowledge as well. She now understands that life is more valuable than she had thought before. She even comes upon the realities of aging in life and how it can affect one . Her enormous bite of the apple represents the knowledge that she needed and longed for from the very …show more content…
From the beginning to the end, the readers see the transformation of Marian.
Initially, she is a self-centered young girl who could care less about the next person. However, through a visit to the Old Ladies’ Home, she learns an important lesson she changes into a mature and thoughtful young lady that opens up to the hurt and pain of others. In this particular story, Marian learns a valuable lesson about life and time that teaches her to be more respectful and grateful for precious time that she has now while she is still young and nimble. Moreover,it will soon come a time when she will be like the elderly women in the home , stuck inside a place where she will not be able to escape ,mentally and physically. There will come a time when she will be faced with the harsh realization of dying. Not only does this happen in the story but it actually happens in the real world too. It is important for one to remember that time is precious , and it should be valued more than it is today. One will be faced with a situation just like Marian is ,and a lesson will be taught and knowledge will be gained for the