
Eugenics In The Early 20th Century

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Eugenics In The Early 20th Century
During early 20th century progressive-era America, a ghastly practice was undertaken on vast groups of people in American society. As the concept of mental health strayed from a biological perspective, public opinion settled on it being influenced by social and societal means. Enter Eugenics, which means “well-born.” Through none other than the macabre, forced means of Eugenics, did sociologists seek to better American society by the latest in-vogue school of thought. By employing methods such as forced sterilization, marriage prohibitions, and intelligence tests, scientists sought to craft solidarity and purity of genes in American Society.
Post-Civil War, the resurgence of Gregor Mendel's laws provided a scientific basis to study heredity
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In 1924, the Immigration Act set up quotas on immigrants from countries believed to possess an “inferior stock.” President Calvin Coolidge signed the law and stated, “America should be kept American. . . . Biological laws show that Nordics deteriorate when mixed with other races.” While this law may seem relatively minor in terms of the methods used, all around the country further measures were being pushed in state legislatures. In 1911, a law was signed by then governor of New Jersey, Woodrow Wilson, “to authorize and provide for the sterilization of feeble-minded (including idiots, imbeciles and morons), epileptics, rapists, certain criminals and other …show more content…
This can be done in many ways. In fact, Carnegie’s laboratory supported a study to analyze 18 proposed methods to purify the gene pool. Of these methods, euthanasia by gas chamber was also considered an option. Other methods included marriage restrictions between unfit people, strict immigration controls from “inferior” countries, and forced sterilization. The latter being put into practice on tens of thousands of Americans in the states of California and Virginia. The Virginia Racial Integrity Act of 1924 prohibited any marriage between a white and non-white person (with any traces on non-white genes). Mandatory sterilization laws had been enacted in over 30 states, which led to 60,000 forced sterilizations of disabled people, and through 1945, over 350,000 compulsory sterilizations had been committed

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