She examined euthanasia practice in three society, Netherlands where physician performed
Euthanasia, Germany where suicide is allowed, but active euthanasia is not, and the united states where passive euthanasia is allowed, but active euthanasia is not. She concluded that physician assisted suicide work best for the united states as end of life practices. I agree with her conclusion only if a patient that is agonizing require to die. In other way it will be best if active euthanasia and passive euthanasia where legal because it will be better for a terminal
ill patient to have a better option of dying. He is the one who will decide how to dies doctor only need to provide information and counseling if needed Either both options been assisted by a physician or not been assisted by physician are different ways of facing death. Others people thing that physician should not be permitted to assist in suicide. Like in the essay of Susan M. Wolf. She said that a physician should no accede to the request of suicide, and euthanasia. She also admitted that physician must honor a patient rescues to be free of unwanted life sustaining treatment. I'm not agreed with her argument because euthanasia form part of passive euthanasia she contradict herself in this part when she said that physician must no accede to the request of suicide and euthanasia when she is being agreed with passive euthanasia