
Active Euthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide

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Euthanasia is the practice of intentionally ending someone’s life so that any type of suffering and pain will come to an end. It was first seen throughout 5th century B.C. and 1st century B.C. by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Prior to Christianity coming forth, ancient Greece and Rome had a tolerance for assisted-suicide. Few physicians followed the Hippocratic Oath which “prohibited doctors from giving ‘a deadly drug to anybody, not even if asked for,’ or from suggesting such a course of action” (Dowbiggin). During this time there was much support for euthanasia rather than prolonged suffering. This led many physicians to comply with a patient’s request and administer the poisons. Later on between the 12th and 15th century, with the rise …show more content…

There are two different types of euthanasia, active and passive. Christian Nordqvist writes the MediLexicon medical dictionary defines active euthanasia as a mode of ending life in which the intent is to cause the patient’s death in a single act. This is considered to be mercy killing. He goes on to say passive euthanasia is when a physician is given an option not to prescribe futile treatments for the hopelessly ill patient. Brittany Maynard partook in active euthanasia in Oregon which is one of the few states that allows physician-assisted suicide. When passing the Death with Dignity Act in November of 1994 making it “the first law in American history permitting physician-assisted suicide” (“Oregon Death”). Not everyone has the resources to go to Oregon or places such as Washington, California, Vermont, and Montana. For instance, if someone is terminally ill and lives in Florida, the closest place that offers legal euthanasia is Vermont which is roughly 1,480 miles away.
Euthanasia causes no harm to others, it is a basic human right. Everyone holds the right to a good death, so why should a good death be denied to someone who would like one? In the states where it is legal, they are made sure that it is properly regulated. The patient is required to go through a tough process just to get their consent, make sure they have a valid reason such as a terminal illness and lastly to make sure he or she and the physician
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Euthanasia contradicts the main reason of being a physician. Doctors are known to be healers not killers and this could cause ethical issues. In Kirk Johnson’s letter on behalf of the American Medical Association (AMA) he addresses how euthanasia would make a negative impact. “The involvement of physicians in euthanasia heightens the significance of its ethical prohibition. The physician who performs euthanasia assumes unique responsibility for the act of ending the patient's life. Euthanasia could also readily be extended to incompetent patients and other vulnerable populations. Instead of engaging in euthanasia, physicians must aggressively respond to the needs of patients at the end of life. Patients should not be abandoned once it is determined that cure is impossible. Patients near the end of life must continue to receive emotional support, comfort care, adequate pain control, respect for patient autonomy, and good communication.” He stated an alternative to the suicide, which was that physicians should get the patient ready for his death and make him feel comfortable rather than just ending his

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