The Tri-Partite Mind
Ego Defences
Theory of Psychosexual Development
In this essay I will be examining Freud’s Theory of Psychosexual Development.
In order to understand fully I will begin by exploring his theories regarding the tri-partite structure of the human mind. I will be looking at the functions of the Id, Ego and Super-Ego and also those Ego Defence mechanisms that Freud describes as essential to human growth and survival.
Once I have demonstrated comprehensive understanding, I will then examine his Theory of Psychosexual Development. In this part of the essay I will be exploring how his ideas relate to an understanding of neurotic behaviour in adults.
Following on from this I will examine the advantages and disadvantages of Freud’s theory which will be discussed in my final evaluation.
The Tri-Partite Mind
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) the” Father of Psychoanalysis” was a Neurologist, Medical Doctor, Psychologist and influential thinker of the early twentieth century. He is best known for his theories of the unconscious mind, repression and his concept of the dynamic unconscious. He stipulated that it is the unconscious mind that determines human behaviour. He also believed that the sexual drive was the dominant motivation of human life. Freud developed the theory that the human mind operates as a complex energy-system. He explains;
The poets and philosophers before me discovered the unconscious; what I discovered was the scientific method by which the unconscious can be studied.
Trilling. L The Liberal Imagination (1979)
This was a radical departure from contemporary beliefs and his new concept became a therapeutic frame of reference for the understanding of human psychological development. It became the foundation for understanding and treating abnormal mental conditions. Freud was fascinated by the unconscious mind saying;
References: • Freud. S The interpretation of Dreams (1900) (Translation A.A Brill 1913) New York; Macmillan • Freud. S The Ego and the Id (1923) The Hogarth Press Ltd. London, 1949. • Trilling.L The Liberal Imagination. Essays on Literature and Society (1979) Re-print of 1950 ed. New York; Harcourt • Jung, C. G. (1955–56). The Conjunction, Mysterium Coniunctionis, Collected Works, XIV, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. • Angier.Natalie Women: An Intimate Geography (1999) Houghton Mifflin Harcourt • Fromm E Escape from Freedom, (1994) Henry Holt & Company Inc; Owl Book ed