In the year 1979, China was suffering a severe increase in population, and because of this Deng Xiaoping (leader of the communist party of China) introduced China to an anti-natalist policy called the ‘One Child’ policy. An anti-natalist policy aims to decrease the crude birth rate and the total fertility rate in a country in order to slow the population growth . This policy generated many social and economical impacts and in this essay I will talk about the social advantages of the policy, the social disadvantages, the economical advantages and finally the economical disadvantages.
Firstly, the ‘One Child’ policy has created social advantages in China, since the population growth rate decreased. Due to the fact that the ‘One Child’ policy restricts women from only having one child in urban areas (there are some exceptions, like twins, lived in a rural area, if your child died then you can have another), this slowed down the crude birth rate and the total fertility rate. If China’s population kept on growing at the same rate like it was before any policies were introduced they would have encountered problems with resources. Resources are limited and China only has a certain amount of land, food, natural resources and water. This policy lowered the pressure on the limited amounts of resources and enabled people to have enough food and water to have a good enough quality of life and not live in fright, that one-day there wont be enough food and water. Furthermore, if a couple follows this policy, they would be offered some incentives. These incentives include that they would have access to health services and the child would have an education . This is a great advantage because the child will have an education and can learn and develop as a person and hopefully have a higher chance of succeeding in life. Also, access to health services is a great benefit because some families
Bibliography: allgirlsallowed (Director). (2011). Statistics About Gendercide and the One-Child Policy [Motion Picture]. Fozzard, H. (2011, May 18). One Child Policy Incentives: Support for the Family. Retrieved October 1, 2013, from shenzhenparty: Google. (2012). china 's current population. Retrieved October 1, 2013, from Google: 's+current+population&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCH545CH546&oq=chinas+current+po&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.4406j0&sourceid=chrome&espvd=210&es_sm=91&ie=UTF-8 Guinness, P. (2011). Patterns and Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Monash. (2013, January 11). The effects of China 's One Child Policy on its children. Retrieved October 1, 2013, from Schwarz, T. (2010, October 5). Anti-natalist Policies. Retrieved October 1, 2013, from Geography IBHL: