The way that the education system functions and is set up in modern industrial society allows the intelligent to succeed. Intelligence can be defined as the ability to discover rules, patterns and logical principles underlying objects, events and the ability to apply these discoveries and solve problems (Arthur Jensen, 1973). Intelligences can be measured using the intelligence test which will give an individual’s intelligence quotient (IQ). There are different questions that aims to extract reasoning ability, it tests knowledges and memory rather than the ability to reason. However IQ can be argued that it is not a valid measure of intelligence especially when comparing intelligence of members of different social groups. The tripartite system is part of an educational system which shows how the education attainment of an individual portray how intelligent they are. Functionalists such as Davis and Moore, and Talcott Parson would say that the education systems are functional for the intelligents. However how well a person does can be explained by Marxists in terms of the different classes rather than by the education system. Also the intelligence can be measured in terms of culture, ethnicity, nature of ability, genes and the environment by sociologists such as Otto Klineberg, David Gillborn and Deborah Youdell. Furthermore David Gillborn and Deborah Youdell expresses the “New IQism”
Functionalists would say that the education system equips people to perform functional roles in society especially the intelligent. Functionalists believes that we all live in a meritocratic society whereby if an individual have the ability, talent and effort they are able to succeed and gain high qualifications. Parsons would agree on that the education systems are operating on meritocratic principles where their status is achieved based on their merit where