I would like to start the discussion of this question with the quatation of the Hilton announcement: «CRM is a way to use technology to give you the power to solidify relationships with our best customers».
With this CRM system (OnQ) every gesture, everything is fixed, so the analyse of statistics can be done totally. Need to add more bla-bla
The nervous system of Hilton Hotels Corporation was a comprehensive andintegrated infrastructure known as OnQ which is custom built enterprise systemdesigned to support the property-level operations if each hotel in HiltonCorporation to enable Customers Really Matter initiative at each customer touchpoint. The essence of the initiative was that CRM is a way to use technology togive you the power to solidify the relationship with the best customers. It took$650,000 to build OnQ and yearly maintenance was estimated to around $1M.Before there were barriers to good service as information was not integrated andeasily available, time taken in call centres w ere longer, they couldn’t give continuity to guests who stayed in multiple brands and also if the customers hada bad experience in their previous stay they couldn
’t figure out what the problem was exactly. With the implementation of CRM all these was fixed.By enabling the OnQ technology Hilton Hotel Corporation hadvarious advantages. A guest profile manager was on the software where guestsare classified into best guests or one-time visitor etc. Through this method theycan analyze who are their best customers and can add more revenue tocompany. With the help of OnQ, regardless of where and how, customers couldreserve their stay online. So they know how the guest would like to be treated.Pre arrival communication was another advantage of CRM. They were able tocommunicate with their customers before their arrival which might help to know what the customers expect from them. On arrival