In the short story “Eveline” by James Joye the main character Eveline to me portrays the type of person who wants to live her life. She has made a promise to her late mother to keep to take care of the family. She has to choose between love or the responsibility of her family. With her being an Irish-catholic making her decision would be hard. Eveline sometimes does not always see the best in things but will find out what is more important, love or family. When Eveline’s mother was still alive her mother made her promise that she would always stay around and help the family. Eveline wanted to back out of that promise when things began to get boring for her. She was sick of working for her money and having to give it to her father who sometimes would not even give her some of her earned money for food for the family. She did not want to live the rest of her life this way. She had the choice to explore another life with Frank. According to her “Frank was very kind, manly, open-hearted.(5)” Frank was a sailor and wanted Eveline to come and sail with him and be his wife. She was very much in love with him and wanted to move on with her life with him but there was always that promise that she had made to her mother in the back of her mind.
Lima 2 Eveline had two brothers Harry and Ernest, she was the only girl. Her responsibility to the family was to take care of them and be in place of her late mother. Her religion was Irish-catholic and that was very important to her she attended church weekly. Because of her religion she could not break the promise to her mother. She would think she was doing something terrible and unheard of. With Eveline’s mother being deceased she was the main care taker of the family. She was the one who cooked, cleaned, and took care of the children. The thought of her leaving with tear the family apart. Her father was a drunk and did not do anything for the