You do see at some points in the movie Pug making bad decisions, mainly relating to school. At one point in the movie Pug says he wants to be a veterinarian because he loves animals, but the decisions he makes at school and throughout the movie could hurt his chances for becoming one and will keep him in the situation he is in and in the neighborhood he is in. It could be said that even though the structure of the area he is in is hard and doesn’t help, he does have agency to potentially get himself out of the bad part of
You do see at some points in the movie Pug making bad decisions, mainly relating to school. At one point in the movie Pug says he wants to be a veterinarian because he loves animals, but the decisions he makes at school and throughout the movie could hurt his chances for becoming one and will keep him in the situation he is in and in the neighborhood he is in. It could be said that even though the structure of the area he is in is hard and doesn’t help, he does have agency to potentially get himself out of the bad part of