Within the group, a large amount of skills were used. The majority of the group used listening skills, closed and open questioning skills. Opportunities were available where Probing and reflecting could have been put to practise. Other members of the group displayed passive aggressive behaviours , dictated, used aggressive and bullying body / verbal language and actions. In my opinion the members of the group displaying these undesirable traits were not aware they were doing so. Eleni was the most diplomatic member of the group and quashed frustrations which arose between individuals. Too many of the group members were too passive and allowed themselves to be dictated too.
I felt I exercised great restrain throughout many of the sessions where a few individuals were concerned. My listening skills and observation skills were used
Working in a team
The preliminary meetings preparing for the mock trial could have and should have been more productive than they were. I have been involved in group work many times and in different areas throughout my teenage and adult life, in academic and work related environments. knowing I would be viewed as an outsider, I decided, before starting back on the course to keep my distance and watch how the group interacted due to the dynamics as a whole being established for over a year. However, the majority made me feel welcome. Originally, when I joined the group, I found it refreshing that all present individuals were showing respect towards each other and appeared to be valuing each others opinions and inputs. After three or four sessions , the dynamics began to change. I noticed the group was leaning more on Catriona. Catriona became note taker (not agreed by the group) of the group, e-mailing the progress and decisions made at each session. I felt this encouraged group reliance on her. Catriona became self appointed organiser and readily gave her opinion (not a bad thing). A person should haave