is correctly documented and for the safety of the patient. As in evidence-based studies, you can see the A total of 14 residents were observed for patient handovers in Group A (which did not use SBAR). A total of 8 residents were observed for patient handoffs in Group B ( an experimental group which used SBAR). Six residents participated in handoffs in both groups. Each resident participated in 1-8 handovers. The percentage of overall items handed off increased significantly with the use of the PACU Checklist (Group B). (Potestio, Mottla, 2, Kelley, & DeGroot, 2015)
Second evidence-based practices that are being used is SCIP Surgical Care Improvement Project, this project is being used in the unit that I am being posted at. SCIP that has been very effective to care for patients our findings show that compliance with the SCIP measure was associated with a reduced incidence of hospital-acquired infections, ischemic cardiovascular events, and mortality, as well as a reduced length of stay. Our findings support those from previous randomized trials showing improved outcomes when perioperative hypothermia is prevented. Additionally, our results suggest that the process measure defined by SCIP can and should be used as a valid measure of perioperative care quality.