Go to MEDLINE at http://www.pubme44d.gov and conduct a search on your clinical question. Please type your search history in the table below:…
Nurses are expected to deliver high quality care with the latest techniques and information available. In order to do this nurses are required to actively participate to nursing research and critique them. Nursing research has increased greatly in the past three decades exposing nurses to latest knowledge, to provide quality care to the patients (Polit & Beck, 2004). Further more, to provide evidence based practice, nurses must be able to assess and critique research to evaluate and to judge whether the research is useful, good quality, current and safe to apply in their practice (Fink,2005). This…
The common barriers that might low EBP include deficiency of EBP knowledge and skills and perceived absence of administrative support (Christenbery et al., 2016).…
Evidence based practice helps us to ensure that we are providing the best possible care to our patients. By basing our care on practices that have outcomes based on evidence just makes since. They have been tested and proven to be effective on patients. We don’t have to do trial and error to find out what works the best for our patients, the work has been done for us. This gives our patients the best care possible. Many changes have been made over the past 10 years based on evidence based practices. There are many resources available to nurses, nurse managers, administrators and others that provide research that has been completed. These resources include different kinds of studies that have been performed. They include cohort studies, case…
Evidence based practice is used as a framework for planning, implementing and evaluating care provided to clients as stated by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ, 2014). According to the AHRQ (2014), evidence-based research provides the basis for grounding clinical practice guidelines and recommendations in order to provide effective healthcare to patients. Furthermore, the AHRQ reported that the United States of America implement a preventive task force of experts to prevent and provide evidence based medicine to improve the health of all Americans with preventive medication and health screening (2014). It is the belief of this writer that clients value their health and strength, therefore preventive medication and health…
In preparation for her meeting with the Unit Practice Council, Michele needs to be able to explain what evidence-based practice is and why adopting evidence-based practice will be beneficial to the unit. “Evidence-based practice is a problem-solving approach to clinical decision making within a health care organization. It integrates the best available scientific evidence with the best available experiential (patient and practitioner) evidence. EBP considers internal and external influences on practice and encourages critical thinking in the judicious application of such evidence to the care of individual patients, a patient population, or a system” (Newhouse, Dearholt, Poe, Pugh,&White,…
One of the most common and disabling psychological disorders encountered within mental health and general medical settings is that of an anxiety disorder (Dattilio & Kendall 2000). Research has indicated that people with learning disabilities are more prevalent to psychological disorders than the general population (Hassiotis et al 2000) consequently it could be hypothesised that prevalence rates of anxiety disorders are similar if not greater within the learning disabled population. Professional literature suggests that cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT) has been an effective treatment against anxiety disorder (Beck 1995) however; this literature has predominately concentrated its focus to within the confines of mental health and general medical settings (Dattilio & Kendall 2000). The ability of people with learning disabilities to identify, evaluate and respond to their dysfunctional thoughts and beliefs, fundamentals of CBT (Beck 1995) have put into question the very use of this treatment programme for this particular client group (Kroese et al 1997). From a professional and personal perspective and through the utilisation of the Seedhouse (1998) 'Ethical Grid' responding to an anxiety disorder by way of CBT could be considered an ethically acceptable clinical intervention. Nationally and locally through government directives, 'Valuing People' (Department of Health 2001) and initiatives such as Health Action Plans (Department of Health 2002) services have recognised that they need to be more responsive to the mental health needs of people with learning disabilities. As a learning disability nurse wishing to ascertain the effectiveness of CBT as a practical intervention when presented with the dual-diagnosis of anxiety disorder and learning disability, is through the use of 'evidence-based practice'.…
Evidence-based practice (EBP) has been emphasized since the publication of the Institute of Medicine’s report “To Err Is Human”. Nurses should be able to not only provide standard care within the scope of practice but also deliver safe care based on the best EBP that is most up-to-date at that time. Furthermore, research is developed based on the current evidence-based practice. Research nurses work on new projects to conceptualize innovative ideas, generate literature research, and conduct clinical trials to develop new evidence-based practice. The reason why evidence-based practice and research are important is because health…
The results of several studies show that preoperative anxiety is associated with negative postoperative outcomes. These studies were conducted on men, women and children, all undergoing surgery for various diagnoses. A study conducted in Singapore on school aged children found a statistically significant correlation between preoperative anxiety and pain intensity 24 hours postoperatively (Chieng, Gu, & Chan, 2012). A broader study on 241 children, that lasted four years, concluded that not only was preoperative anxiety associated with postop pain, but with sleep problems, emergence…
Research is defined by Parahoo (2006, p. 472) as “the study of phenomena by the rigorous and systematic collection and analysis of data”. Nursing research is necessary as up-to-date knowledge is vital for appropriate nursing and midwifery decision making. In order to improve upon health outcomes and provide effective care, research should inform best practice and provide an evidence base with which to underpin nursing care.…
The trend towards chronic disease management provided by nurses utilizing evidence based practice (EBP) has increased, however barrier for acceptance for nurses as a care team member continues. A pilot study reported by Laughlin and Beisel (2010) reported the evolution, acceptance and barriers of nurses in a primary care setting as a member of the treatment team providing chronic disease management. In addition the study focused attention on the skill sets nurses utilizes to provide care of chronic conditions, emphasized the nurse being uniquely qualified to assess the needs of patients with chronic illness, the nurses ability to formulate a plan of care and facilitate coordination of care (p. 414). Although nurses have the experience and…
Nurses are expected to establish and make use of the best research evidence to enhance the clinical effectiveness of patient care and improve patients’ health outcomes. Barriers exists to knowledge of research utilization in their practice settings. In their study, Dalheim, Harthug, Nilsen and Nortvedt (2012), reported that inadequate time and resources to find research, unsupportive physicians, inaccessibility to information, and lack of authority to implement the finding, were the key barriers for nurses to use evidence based practice EBP (Dalheim et al, 2012). The barriers and assumption that evidence based research (EBR) is cumbersome make nurses to opt use of the gained knowledge from their experience in their practice instead of the advocated…
According to Masters (2017, p. 255), “evidence-based practice (EBP) is a mechanism that allows nurses to provide safe, high-quality patient care based on evidence grounded in research and professional expertise rather than tradition, myths, hunches, advice from peers, outdated textbooks, or even what the nurse learned in school 5, 10, 15 years ago”. EBP allows nurses to apply current evidence using advanced technology and expert knowledge appropriately. It also allows nurses to practice safely and efficiently while making sound decisions based on relevant research. I believe as a nurse EBP gives me a sense of confidence that allows me improve the quality of care delivered by utilizing my advanced education and knowledge of the nursing…
The use of evidence based practice in healthcare assist with providing the best and current practice and improving patient outcome (Boswell.c., & Cannob, S. 2012). According to Hopp and Rittenmeyer (2012), evidence based practice is define as the continuous and current use if the best evidence in decision making about the care of each patients. This involves the commbination of each clinical expertise, as well as considering patient choices with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research. Evidence based practice has enhance and continue to improve the care given to patients in each healthcare, particularly within nursing. The purpose of this study is to outlined and find ways to include evidence based…
The field of nursing is always improving and evolving. It is progressively moving forward as new information and research fuel our ability to provide proper patient care. In fact, I have seen the field change and develop in more ways than I can shake a stick. One of the most profound differences came with the inundation of technology and the connectivity of the internet. Never before has the patient been able to access so much information at their fingertips, or have medical professionals had such unprecedented access to patient records and global resources along with cutting edge techniques.…