The use of evidence based practice in healthcare assist with providing the best and current practice and improving patient outcome (Boswell.c., & Cannob, S. 2012). According to Hopp and Rittenmeyer (2012), evidence based practice is define as the continuous and current use if the best evidence in decision making about the care of each patients. This involves the commbination of each clinical expertise, as well as considering patient choices with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research. Evidence based practice has enhance and continue to improve the care given to patients in each healthcare, particularly within nursing. The purpose of this study is to outlined and find ways to include evidence based …show more content…
That majority of the article aim to identify and provide important aspect to assist with reducing Mr. David condition and provide intervention that can assist with lifestyle and other risk factors. Articles which were excluded include keywords as obesity in young children, heart attack and obesity relating to nutrition or stroke. Articles such as Jessup et al (2014), Odencrants et al and Harris et al (2010) were excluded because these papers focus were regarding heart attack influence with stroke and nutrition relating to obesity and respiration complication regarding obese patients …show more content…
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