The clinical research question: “Do silver dressings work on healing ulcer wounds or is there other dressings that show greater results”? Researching this question, Ovid was used. 687 results appeared, this was too high of a result. So the research question was reworded “Are Silver dressings more effective than other dressings on open wounds”? Again using Ovid, on an advanced search, this yielded 0 results. The question was then rephrased to, “Is there supporting evidence that silver dressings work on the healing of ulcer wounds?” 350 results appeared which was just over half the results I obtained from the first research question. However, this was okay but still a little too much. After this a different database was tried, the CINAHL database, on this research the question had been broken down into words; silver dressings supporting evidence, healing open wounds, this yielded 0 results. Ovid was the best site to ask this research question as even though the results were too much, I still had a good amount of hits, as for the CINAHL database this did not show any results. Therefore, Ovid does show to be a good research database.
When researching this question, it was not clear enough, the question needed to be a bit more thorough when written, the results reflected off this by achieving 687 results and 350 on Ovid. Ovid was used first as it is a well-known website, which is also a database used widely for nursing and medical