In the American Academy of Pediatrics (2005) on breastfeeding it provides several recommendations. Initially the newborn should be put to the mother’s breast as soon as delivery until the first feeding has been finished. Then it mentions withholding any type of supplementation unless it has been indicated medically. The policy also confirms that the newborn should be fed between 8 – 12 times within 24 hours or when any feeding cues are noted such as rooting, mouthing or sucking at the hand. Mothers should be strongly encouraged to Room in with their newborn to enhance these cues. Another standard expressed was for health care providers to assess, observe and evaluate new mothers for correct positioning, latching, and sucking. Elimination patterns described should
In the American Academy of Pediatrics (2005) on breastfeeding it provides several recommendations. Initially the newborn should be put to the mother’s breast as soon as delivery until the first feeding has been finished. Then it mentions withholding any type of supplementation unless it has been indicated medically. The policy also confirms that the newborn should be fed between 8 – 12 times within 24 hours or when any feeding cues are noted such as rooting, mouthing or sucking at the hand. Mothers should be strongly encouraged to Room in with their newborn to enhance these cues. Another standard expressed was for health care providers to assess, observe and evaluate new mothers for correct positioning, latching, and sucking. Elimination patterns described should