For it is has been argued that unless individuals realise their unhealthy habits potentially present a danger to their health they are unlikely to engage in any activity that would lead to change (Dysinger 2014). I’m sure that, by helping individuals realise by themselves the need to adopting a healthy lifestyle, they will eventually increase motivation and likelihood of sustained change (Dysinger 2014). I should also put in mind that Decisional Balance Scale plays an important role in helping individuals recognize pros and cons associated with their unhealthy …show more content…
The use of a diary allowed me to make my behaviour change progress more explicit which in return allowed me to observe and evaluate my behaviour change activities, as shown in the Diary. Through this personal experience, I learned a lot about myself; and most of all, I became aware of certain barriers that hindered my attempting to change my inactivity behaviour and some enablers that assisted in achieving my goals. I also have gained more understanding about difficulties related to lifestyle change; thus, a more empathic and non-judgmental approach should always be employed upon helping