Prepared by: Ian Dominic Mallillin
Teacher: Ms. Lanie Pabilona
Evolution – Change over a long period of time
* Charles Darwin’s Theory: His book was published on 1859 with the title of “On the origin of the Species of Man” This book stressed that man and all other species on earth were products of a long process of evolution. All species are related to each other and evolved over a long period of time. He pointed out that changes occurred among them through: Mutation – occurrence of some changes in form due to the changes of the structure of the gene. Natural Selection – The environment has much to do with this process; example of Darwin: A dark skinned individual can easily survive in a hot tropical climate; naturally, this environment will produce a group of dark skinned people – which according to Darwin is the reason why there are different races. Isolation and Adaptation – Simple as, if a person lived in isolation for a long period of time; he adapted himself to the area resulting to a noticeable amount of change.
* Who are these scientists who study about the past? 1. Archeologists - who learn about early people by excavating and studying the traces of early settlements 2. Anthropologists – studies culture or people’s way of life. They re-create or establish a picture of early peoples’ cultural behavior 3. Paleontologists – studies human fossils which are evidences of early life
* How do scientists gather information about the past? 1. Written Documents 2. Clues 3. Archaeological Dig (One of the richest sources of clues to the prehistoric way of life) 4. Artifacts (fossils, teeth, skull bones, tools, jewelry)
Timeline: * Dyropithecus- 40 million years ago Believed to be the ancestors of both living ape and man due to dental patterns; found 14 million – 20 million years ago
* Ramapithecus- 14