Intelligent design says that life must have been created, and not necessarily evolved. Of course there are adaptations to an environment, but not radical jumps from species to species. Intelligent design would then seem to state that we need God, but God can not be a response to a need or otherwise he would not exist. Therefore it seems that intelligent design is actually making God an engineer of sorts, rather than the loving God. This view seems to border along the Newtonian God, or a God who made the earth like a watch, and just lets it tick away. Catholics believe that God possesses ultimate freedom. Would it be unsound to think that God would create a world in which this freedom could continuously be reflected? Evolution is clearly the reflection. In evolution, life has the freedom to expand itself in more and more complex ways, and sometimes in simpler ways, to become a life form fit for its environment. Does this view that life has the freedom to become what it will on its own really differ from what Catholics believe? If God created man in his image and likeness, and if God is ultimate freedom, therefore can not man be made through the free and unhindered advancements of
Intelligent design says that life must have been created, and not necessarily evolved. Of course there are adaptations to an environment, but not radical jumps from species to species. Intelligent design would then seem to state that we need God, but God can not be a response to a need or otherwise he would not exist. Therefore it seems that intelligent design is actually making God an engineer of sorts, rather than the loving God. This view seems to border along the Newtonian God, or a God who made the earth like a watch, and just lets it tick away. Catholics believe that God possesses ultimate freedom. Would it be unsound to think that God would create a world in which this freedom could continuously be reflected? Evolution is clearly the reflection. In evolution, life has the freedom to expand itself in more and more complex ways, and sometimes in simpler ways, to become a life form fit for its environment. Does this view that life has the freedom to become what it will on its own really differ from what Catholics believe? If God created man in his image and likeness, and if God is ultimate freedom, therefore can not man be made through the free and unhindered advancements of