However, which do people prefer? It might seem obvious that people might prefer sexual intercourse to masturbation. Our culture often puts down masturbation, and makes it seem like some undesirable thing that only people that are disturbed engage in, or connected with people that cannot find a partner. However, researchers have found that masturbation provides more physiological intensity for both males and females than sexual intercourse does. Therefore, even when things are tabooed, people usually figure out what causes pleasure, and then they seek it out. Now on the other hand, evolutionary psychology provides the answer of sexual intercourse over masturbation. Sexual intercourse leads to pregnancy and sending the person's genes to the future and masturbation does not; it is a major desire of humans to participate in the behavior that promises to do so. Sexual intercourse is a powerful, natural desire that both humans and animals …show more content…
It will forever lie as a question if homosexuality is curable, if it is just a psychological thing, or if people are just born with it. I read that there have been societies that tolerated and even encouraged homosexuality. However, other societies have even said that homosexuality and pedophilia are connected and are a form of modern propaganda. Dr. John Money, who is a director of psychohormonal research at John Hopkins University, disagrees. Money is quoted as follows, "In the adulthood of the true pedophile, parental love is hybridized with sexual love pedophilia is not a voluntary choice and there is no known treatment. Punishment is useless. One must accept that pedophilia exists in nature's overall scheme and, with enlightenment, formulate a policy of what to do." Just like pedophilia is not a voluntary choice, neither is homosexuality. Homosexuality was a common thing in ancient Greece. Spartan children were taken from their families at a young age and were given to older, experienced warriors for the purpose of a military apprenticeship, that "bonding" included a sexual relationship as well. The Greeks believed that homosexuality was part of a developmental phase for all males and not a permanent thing. It was part of life in ancient Greece for a man to be married and still chase young men on the side. But then the early Christian community was horrified by these ongoing events and so this act of