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Submitted to : Maria Consuelo L. Dimaya
(As a Final Requirement in English)
First what is G.M.R.C. which stands for Good Manners and Right Conduct deals with lessons that contribute to character formation and wholesome personality development specifically, the development of health habits, moral and spiritual values, love of country, and concern for one’s fellowmen.
This learning area deals with the study of man’s relationship with God and neighbor: his role, duties and responsibilities, his freedom and limitations as an intelligent human being created by God and endowed with grace. It also deals with the growth and maturity in faith within a Christian community of Filipino followers of Christ striving for the realization of God’s kingdom.
Good manners form an important part of our civilization. We know a man form his manners. Manners are important for our conduct in the society. So, we put too much stress on learning manners. Parents want to teach manners to their children. Teachers want to teach manners to their pupils. Mentors want to teach manners to their disciples. Because manners are so important for us.
We should obey our parents and elders. We should care for the old and the weak. We should be loving and kind to our youngsters.Every child is known by his behavior. People judge our children by observing manners of children. Manners are much more than just saying “please” and “thank you.” They are ways of showing kindness and consideration. At young age, it is easy to teach good manners.
Teenagers have a tendency to rebel against accepted practice because they realize that the social sense of what is appropriate and inappropriate practice is socially constructed and that nothing is taboo in and of themselves but is only taboo because society says so. Furthermore, they feel that this definition of what constitutes appropriate and inappropriate