February 18, 2014
Should Ex-Felon’s be allowed to Vote?
POLS 301
Spring 2014
Brief Summary
An estimated 5.85 million people (as of 2010) with a felony conviction are barred from voting in elections which is a condition known as disenfranchisement. Each state has its own laws on disenfranchisement. While Vermont and Maine allow felons to vote while in prison, nine other states permanently restrict certain felons from voting. Proponents of felon re-enfranchisement say that felons who have paid their debt to society by completing their sentences should have all of their rights and privileges restored. They argue that efforts to block ex-felons from voting are unfair, undemocratic, and politically or racially motivated. Opponents say felon voting restrictions are consistent with other voting limitations such as age, residency, sanity, etc., and other felon restrictions such as no guns for violent offenders and no sex offenders near schools. They say that convicted felons have demonstrated poor judgment and should not be trusted with a vote.
There is a lot of debate going on about weather ex-felon’s should have the right to vote or not. Some people say that there is nothing wrong with voting, everyone should have the right to do it. Voting is just giving your opinion. In the United States people are allowed to state their opinion. Just because someone does something wrong it doesn 't mean they should not be allowed to vote. Felons are still affected by laws made by politicians. Laws could be made about the court system or anything else that might have an impact on their lives. Since they are still a part of our democratic society, it would be wrong to take away the right to choose the people affecting them.
While others disagree by stating that there is a reason why they are behind bars in the first place. They made the wrong choices in their own life. If they can 't handle to make good judgments in everyday
Cited: Hill, Steven. Ten Steps to Repair American Democracy: An Owner 's Manual for Concerned Citizens. Sausalito: PoliPointPress, 2006. Marc Mauer, MSW Winter 2004 article "Felony Disenfranchisement: A Policy Whose Time Has Passed?" Winters Article, 2004 Bill McCollum, JD, "Felons Right to Vote" and article "McCollum: Be Responsible about Felons ' Rights, Apr. 1, 2007 Nichols, John. The Nation Voting and the Fight for Democracy: The Battle for Congress. New York, 2012