A widely-renowned contemporary movie containing multiple themes of apocalyptic literature is “WALL-E”. In this movie, a futuristic dystopian society is presented in which there are no longer any humans present on Earth due to it no longer being sustainable for life. The humans have now been long-removed from Earth and now live on an enlarged spaceship named the “Axiom”, which is funded by the monopolistic company “Buy ‘n’ Large”. Over time, the passengers of the “Axiom” have become morbidly obese, as they have now spent many years having to rely on hove automated systems in order to maneuver and communicate with one another. Therefore, there are many underlying components within this movie that would qualify it as apocalyptic literature. For one, the plot of the movie is “cosmic in scope”, as it depicts the monotonous livelihoods of humans in outer space after having over-polluted the Earth to the point where it is no longer inhabitable. Its “cosmic scope” is also suggested by how manipulative of an effect mass-consumerism will have on the human population, as “Buy ‘n’ Large” holds total ownership over every product that is told to the humans, even in space. Another apocalyptic theme is the user of “satire to shape perception of reality”. In this case, the satire employed in this movie proposes a strong critique of society today by focusing on a multitude of issues such as pollution, consumerism, obesity, and technology. This can be interpreted as the director alluding to the potential “point of no return” that will transpire for humanity if we choose to not address the negative impacts society is having on our environment and well-being. Additionally, there is also a “fellowship of friends against the forces of evil” presented in this film due to the developing relationship between the two robots “WALL-E” and “EVE”. In the end, their fellowship allows the humans to return back to Earth when they present a living plant from Earth to the Axiom’s captain, indicating Earth’s…