To introduce methods of analysing a problem and developing a solution
To develop simple algorithms using the sequence control structure
To introduce methods of manually checking the developed solution
Methos of analysing a problem and developing a solution
1) Defining the problem
2) Designing a solution algorithm
3) Checking the solution algorithm
1) Defining the Problem
Problem should be divided into three separate components:
1. Input: a list of source data provided to the problem
2. Output: a list of the outputs required
3. Processing: a list of actions needed to produce the required outputs
When reading a problem statement, the input and output components are easily identified due to the use of descriptive words such as nouns and adjectives
Processing component is also identified easily as the problem statement usually describes the processing steps as actions, using verbs and adverbs
Example 1 : Add three numbers
A program is required to read three numbers add them together and print their total.
a) Underlined nouns and adjectives to identify the input and output components of this problem.
A program is required to read three numbers add them together and print their total.
b) Underlined the verbs and adverbs to identify the processing component of this program.
A program is required to read three numbers add them together and print their total.
c) Construct an IPO(Input, Processing, Output) chart.
number1 number2 number3
Read three numbers
Add numbers together
Print total number total 2) Designing a solution algorithm
Based on the defining IPO chat that developed in defining the problem step, a solution algorithm is design as follows:
Start read number1, number2, number3 total = number1+ number2+ number3 print total
3) Checking the solution algorithm
Based on the solution algorithm that designed in previous step, a desk