Feminist- creation of the mothering role is purely to benfit men.
Welfare state has changed in order to help improve childhood
Legisaltion to protect childrens rights (1989 children act)
Work restriction ( you will have to find out the dates as i can't remeber them off hand)
Standardised education for all children, plus rasing of the leaving age.
Parents have been incresing over protective of their children (media hype of perverts, rapist and so on)
Changes in struture, more single parent = affects childhood
Increase in divorce and its impact of children
Roders and Pryor (98)= children of divorced families have a greater chance to experienve a range of problems E.g Finanacial hardship/ behaviour problems/ addiction to smoking or drink/ poor edcucation out come )
BUT= children are still socialised within the family, and the vast majority of UK families (37%) are still nuclear in structure. Even though new family structure have emerged they still provide emotional and financial support.
Postmodernist ( put some of that crap to conclude)
It's quite a lot of info here but this should get you full marks if you exapnd all the point, let me know how it went : )
I studied this last year for my as levels, and got an A grade for the family unit