result of the use of the railroad. The use of railroads is still in use the very same manner. The way we communicate across the battlefield has changed with the technology, however it was the telegraph that improved communications amongst the force during WW1. The telegraph was initially used by the British to send messages long distance. The telegraph was used in many other different ways to communicate not only between long distances but also between the ground and airplanes, a technology that has evolved over time. Lastly, almost all participants used reserves forces during WWI. The decision to activate the reserve during WWI enhanced the force structure. The size of forces nearly double in size with the support of the reserve component Soldiers participating in the effort. The reserve is still proven to be a viable force that is used today to help win America’s wars. Three dimensional warfare means fighting a conflict over multiple areas of operation. During WWI, battles were fought through out Europe. Synchronization is the key to fighting a war in “three dimensions. If you are fighting an enemy in multiple location synchronization of forces is the only way you can accomplish the mission. In order to effectively attack an enemy it must be done with an escalation of force. Attack the enemy on a large scale across a multiple platform when they least expect it is part of the strategy in fighting a war in “three dimensions”. The ideal of attacking the enemy at the right time with superior firepower with the right maneuver is a strategy that is used during many conflicts. It was not introduced during WWI but many commanders used it through out history. This strategy is crucial to winning wars.
Leaders today use this strategy. Decision makers hit the enemy with such a force through a large operational front that confuses the enemy, it catches them off guard, and it causes damage to their force where they cannot fight back. The result of direct firepower with a mass of Soldiers is a proven strategy that is effective. There is a measure of effectiveness in the size for the force that attacks an enemy that underestimates the force of its enemy. This is one strategy US Forces use to win its wars. The thought of utilizing railroads for maximum effectiveness of transporting Soldiers and equipment across the battlefield was benefited by the Germans. The German were the best at utilizing the railroad system to assist in their military tactics in the war. Germany’s railways were built in mind for strategic purposes to ensure they could move troops, horses, guns, munitions, and supplies to locations in preparation for battle. Germany felt that using the rail system made for them to conquer neighboring countries. The French utilized railways as well to move troops and other supplies to fight in the war. The French used railroads to move it Soldiers to the battle of Marne to fight against the Germans. Trains were used as ambulance trains to transport wounded Soldiers through out Europe. These trained were used to carry hundreds of men. It also was fully equipped with wards, pharmacy, and kitchens. At the end of WWI, Britain had 23,000 miles or railroad and 400 stations.
Using railways to move large amounts to troops and equipment in a short period of time is a strategy that is still in use today. Railways were used to send equipment from Europe to Kuwait in support of the Iraq campaign. Communications during WW1 the telephone and telegraph were the main devises for communicating.
The telephone in the field didn’t provide any type security; The Germans would tap into the wire and listen in on the call. CPT Fuller invented the “Fullerphone”. The “Fullerphone” was the same device except it used a lower voltage and it made it more difficult for the enemy to wire in and listen in on the call. This invention was the beginning stages of a secure line that US Forces use today. Communication advanced greatly during WWI the radio was used to better communicate with fighter planes. Prior to the invention of the radio planes could only communicate by tilting their wings. Pilots could communicate with the land forces and tell them where their artillery was landing. This is a part of Command and Control of the Forces. This is another way that we fight on a three dimensional conflict. Radios were used to communicate to the force through out the battlefield in order to provide guidance, receive intelligence reports, receive the most up to date situation reports. Command and Control through communication is an effective strategy that we still use …show more content…
today. Use of reserve forces is a common tactic that was used during WWI. The British used reservist, which help tremendously with their troop surge in 1914. The reservist were trained and ready to fight, because they were already trained there was no lag time when it came to the troop surge by the British Expeditionary Forces. The German Army also used reservist during WWI.
1917 the US also used the reserve to assist in during WWI.
Between the active component and the National Guard, US forces deployed over 200,000 in support of WWI. They key to success is to have your reservist trained and prepared for battle. Fighting a three dimensional war uses force in numbers to attack the enemy. Sending over 200,000 troops to fight with Britain and France was a technique the Germans weren’t prepared for. The size of the force was so large Germany couldn’t handle the size of the force, which is why they were defeated. We simply outnumbered them. Training Soldiers in preparation for the battle is a tactic that saves time. US Forces use the same technique. Reserve trains all through out the year in preparation. The reserve greatly supported the troop surge in Iraq in
2007. WWI was the stepping-stone of technology used today. Leaders today still fight wars on a three dimensions. We still fight on multiple battlefields. The war in Iraq and Afghanistan was both fought at the same time. Technology of the railroad system added to the success of moving troops and equipment across the battlefield is still used today. US forces still use trains when applicable, however we have advanced in aviation and sea transportation technology, depending on the location is what resource is used to best support to the approach. Communications is crucial means to winning wars on three dimensions. Decision makers must have 2-way commutation at all times. Communication must be secure not to alert the plans to the enemy. WWI paved the way for Command and Control to what it is today. Leaders of WWI went from using radios to point out where artillery hit the enemy and using unsecure lines that the enemy easily tapped into the technology on communications we use today. Technology has advanced so much, information on the enemy as well as our troops is sent in real time and is more secure than ever. The technique to hit the enemy at the right time with the right amount of force is a technique that is still used today. Reserve forces support this approach. WWI used the reserve to support the active army when they needed to increase in size. This technique for leaders today has not changed; if it were not for the reserve U.S. Forces could not fight on two different battlefields for the last 15 years. Keep the reserved trained and ready is always a proven tactic. The fundamentals for conducting warfare are very similar to their WWI predecessors. The technology has evolved, but the plan to fight three dimensionally remains the same.