12 Hunters Drive, Kingston 10
July 12, 2013
Mr. Thomas Curelli
Director, Maths Technological Resource Center
2b Lilliford Avenue,
Kingston 10.
Dear Mr. Curelli:
We are requesting your presence at the St. Hunter’s High School first math enrichment seminars. The event is dubbed: Bringing Mathematics to life in the classroom- Hands-on approach to teaching Mathematics. We are requesting your presence on the second day November 19, 2013 of this three day seminar which will be held on the school’s premises. We are requesting that during the function you give a brief word on the importance of integrating real life learning context in the teaching of Mathematics. We are also asking of your organization to lead a day of training for these teachers on using math related softwares, using research based learning in teaching and maintaining a math website at the school.
This event is in keeping with your organization’s belief that Math is not abstract but is real and applicable to every aspect of life. We are aware that you fervently support the integration of technology in teaching of the content area that will positively engage students and promote mastery of the content. This workshop will provide teachers with more expertise in the use of technological teaching resources that are directly related to students’ experiences and interest. Thus making the learning process more meaningful and relevant to real life contexts. As this event will diminish the abstract theoretical approach of teaching and promote students’ interest in mathematics, we anticipate your timely and favourable response.
Yours respectfully
Winford Hunter Jr. (Mr.)
Head of Department,