Eternal and External Value In the base argument, the claims that existence is not eternal and value is not external are used. However, these claims are not fundamental to an argument for anti-natalism, but only work to create an imperative instead of a cautionary statement. Succinctly, if existence is eternal then value will eventually …show more content…
However, it now becomes relevant to not simply distinguish, but refine our definitions. Originally, preference was only defined by whether something results in pleasure or pain and ability was the option to have preference. But, with this definition, the conclusions reached with our definition would be applicable to more than just humans. Furthermore, pleasure and pain are grounded in the advancement of the self and the species. For example, there is absolutely no living being who does desire to maintain itself in some fashion, excluding special cases. Although it is certainly a preference, by the original definition, it fails to illuminate anything meaningful and makes the definition of ability somewhat mute. When preference includes the foundations of living, preference disintegrates into the definition of life. To remove this equivocation, preference must be defined distinct from “impulse”: impulse, a desire devoid of value or meaning beyond that of animal relation; and preference, a desire grounded in value or meaning beyond those assigned at birth, a humanist end.