In George Orwell’s 1984, the setting nation of Oceania is being governed by a totalitarian entity known as Big Brother. To exert his authority, Big Brother has placed censorship on nearly all aspects of society. Big Brother banned sexual activity, modifies all public news and programs, monitors the activities of the general public, and even goes so far as to censor an entire language by making people convert to a new speaking system. This is done as a precaution; a necessary measure taken to crush the rebellious nature of humanity by preventing them from being able to express their distaste for the party; even their thoughts are censored. Censorship has acted as Big Brother’s number one means of maintaining control throughout the course of Orwell’s work, and there exist countless examples of the effect it has throughout 1984. …show more content…
This may not even be considered a ban, but as a discouragement towards the act of meaningless inercourse. Party members are permitted to make love only when it is done with the intention of creating children for the party. Any other act of intimacy is not permitted unless you happen to be a prole. Pornography is also a prole exclusive, and is distributed by the Party itself, further exemplifying the idea that Big Brother is censoring it or editing it to meet his own ends. By discouraging the idea of pleasure through sex, Big Brother is left with a more cooperative population to deal with. Controlling sex means controlling the citizens of the future, and censoring or discouraging sexual acts and pornography keeps a tight grip on the intimate relationships between individuals within structured