American Military University
CMRJ308 B003
May 19, 2013
Developing ethical leaders is necessary to maintain an aura of professionalism, and good conduct within an organization. The definition of ethics can vary depending on the individual perspective, and the term is often confused with moral values. Ethics is a philosophy, or rational ideas used in situations where good judgment comes into play. The development of ethical leaders starts from the environment, and variables influence the ethical perspective of individuals. Organization such as a police department has the tough task of grooming ethical leaders from multiple …show more content…
backgrounds. Leadership styles will differ depending on the character of the individual, and the training standards used by the organization. The problems with developing ethical leaders can stem from the variation of training supervisors, because their training methods would vary on both ends of the spectrum. Developing the right type of ethical leaders takes careful planning, and patience. In this paper, I will research the different variations of developing ethical leaders in today’s society. Keywords: ethical, research, issues, study, variables
Issues of Ethical Leadership
The issues of ethical leadership and behavior can apply to just about any organizational structure, but the problem can be significant in the criminal justice field.
The challenge is dealing with the issue of ethical behavior of individuals within the organization. Leaders are expected to maintain a certain level of professionalism, and follow an ethical code set by policy and procedures of the organization. The hierarchy of ethical leadership starts from top-level supervisors, and their influence has a major impact on the way ethics are perceived by fellow officers. The ethical standards can vary from different organizations depending on the environment, and the foundation that has been set in place. The challenge is dealing with people from different backgrounds that may have different ethical beliefs from the set practices standardized by the organization. Personal ethical ideas cannot interfere with the organization mission or objectives. The challenge of supervising each individual can prove to be difficult, but the proper training can negate some of the problems in ethical leadership. Ethical leadership begins at the lowest level with the trainees who deal with the day-to-day inner workings of the organization. The issue of ethical leadership will arise frequently, because of the multitude of problems the organization has to deal with on a daily basis. Frequent training and updating the procedures can prove to be resourceful and negate negative attention warranted …show more content…
from ethical decisions. The complexity of ethical behavior can prove to be difficult, because law enforcement issues can be marginal, or magnified by the type of environment. Law enforcement officers have to adjust their behavior depending on their environment, and the situation. (Zhu 2004)
Different Types of Leadership Styles
Leadership styles tend to be more direct, and provide more interaction between the superior, and subordinates. Leadership skills can be incorporated with other skills, and intertwine the characteristics of various sources. Leadership skills are intended to persuade, or motivate but the term leadership can vary depending on the person perspective. The ideal leadership style is to lead by example, and display the characteristics that your subordinates can mirror and duplicate. Leaders sometimes have close personal relationships with their followers, and can structure their style to compromise with the different personalities. Organizations have proven to be more successful that display ethical characteristics. Honesty and integrity are the two most important qualities when it comes to an ethical environment. Erosion of either of those qualities can undermine the foundation of any organizations, and cause problems in the future. Ethics can be included in just about every aspect of life, and using those characteristics can be beneficial to everyone. Different types of leaders use their own style, and each subordinate will respond differently to tactics. Leaders are natural by instincts, and the traits are evident from early childhood playing in the neighborhood. The Alpha Male of the group is the king of the playground, and all the other children are followers. Princes are born into a leadership role, and are groom to become king from birth. The same can be translated to modern day society with parental influence on their children. If the parents show strong leadership traits then the children would be more likely to follow. (Klagge 1997)
Developing ethical leaders is crucial for the success of society as a whole.
The quality of ethical leaders is important to maintain the good order, and discipline of our culture. Effective leadership can be found at the lowest level of an organization, and there are many characteristics involved in leadership. The role of a leader has to be flexible due to the fact you will be dealing with many problems, and different personalities. Confidence is a key element that every leader must possess to be effective and approach each situation with a unique style. The role of leadership should be like a parental role, and provide the qualities to exhibit to their subordinates. The mentoring process should be implemented from orientation, but the progress should be gradual to unsure that it will stay effective. Leadership skills and ethical behavior are essential to policing a society, but the application of those skills can differ between societies. Cultural differences can be difficult to apply certain ethical behavior, because people opinions will differentiate in different regions. (Olsen
G.Casimir and Y.N.K.Ng (2010). Combinative aspects of leadership style and the interaction between leadership behaviors. Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, 31(6), 501-517.
J.Klagge (1997). Leadership development needs of today’s organizational managers. Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, 18(7), 355-362.
Olsen, O. K., Eid, J., & Larsson, G. (2010). Leadership and ethical justice behavior in a high moral intensity operational context. Military Psychology, 22, S137-S156.
Zhu, W., May, D. R., & Avolio, B. J. (2004). The impact of ethical leadership behavior on employee outcomes: The roles of psychological empowerment and authenticity. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 11(1), 16-26.