Nathaniel Hawthorne uses many descriptive words. The author showcases the tone of innocence by using words such as “sweet” and “virtue.” The definition of sweet is delightful and pleasing. The word virtue relates to Christianity. It means behavior that shows high moral standards. This gives almost a welcoming effect to an otherwise gloomy prison. The author showcases the tone of sin by using the words condemned and sorrow. Condemned means to punish someone for a wrongdoing. Sorrow means a feeling of deep distress. The author’s use of diction adds to the feel of darkness in “The Prison Door.” …show more content…
The rose bush is described with phrases such as “sweet moral blossom” and “fragrance and fragile beauty.” The rose bush is described as a delicate and pure greeting to the prison, almost deceiving the prisoner of their actual fate. The tone of sin is demonstrated in the phrase, “The wooden jail was already marked with weather-stains and other indications of age which gave yet a darker aspect to its beetle-browed and gloomy front.” This quote is saying that the prison door was already gloomy but the weather stains added to the gloom. Two other quotes that demonstrate imagery is “borne the black flower of civilized society” and “The darkening close of a tale of human frailty and sorrow.” These quotes showcase the fact that the prison is a place of evil and many parish inside it. The prison is described as taking away all happiness and creating an endless feeling of