The health care industry is rapidly changing due to the Health Reform Act. Healthcare reform is forecasted to increase the number of insured patients and increase industry…
Over the past four decades, spending on healthcare in the United States grew more rapidly than the economy (Baker, Birnbaum, Geppert, Mishol, Moyneur, 2008, p. 541). Healthcare has nearly tripled its share of national income during this time (p. 543). All aspects of the nation's health system have been affected by this ongoing spending growth. Strategically marketing the development of products and services during this intense competition and uncertainty is vital for any healthcare organization to stay profitable and to ensure continued growth.…
The purpose of this paper is to provide a comparative analysis of two companies within the same industry (Cigna vs. Aetna) and an evaluation of their innovation processes.…
The author’s of this article are trying to find better ways to help our health care system by ways of technology and the hopes that providers will allow disruptive innovations be made by disruptive…
One of the challenges that faces the United States health care system is to respond to the continues changes and to the reality of that these changes might result in consequences that often ignored or underestimated.…
According to Adcroft and Willis (2000), the innovation paradigm is where the emphasis is on revolutionary change of the products and processes thus creating a new market itself.…
Organizations adapt to environmental changes such as the adoption of a new technology, a change in market dynamic or new regulatory policies and as such the Affordable Care Act was put into place (Frates, 2014). The Affordable Care Act puts consumers back in charge of their health care. Under the law, a new “Patient’s Bill of Rights” gives the American people the stability and flexibility they need to make informed choices about their health (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2014). This has made leaders feel as if the government is making all the health decisions about a patient instead of allowing the physicians to do so. With that said, leaders must apply strategic management into their organizations by creating short term strategic planning which allows the office to meet incremental milestones on the path to an ultimate goal creates an opportunity to highlight achievements, identify and resolve setbacks, and encourage forward motion (Burger & Giger, 2014). Contingency Theory and Resource Dependence Theory are applicable to health care organizations due to the environmental dependency. With health care as unpredictable as it is having both theories used allows the facilities to be prepared for multiple different outcomes.…
Many companies allow their competitors to set guidelines of their strategic thinking. They compare their strengths and weaknesses with strengths and weaknesses of their competitors. After, they begin to focus on building products that are better than the original products. This type of thinking opens the door for disruptive innovation. Disruptive innovation has proven time after time to have an advantage in developing creatively through the theories of innovation. Disruptive innovation created an advantage over the competition when a plan was developed correctly. Companies are developed with the goal of success in mind. In order to do so, these same companies must be willing to adhere to its main focus and not focus on its competitors. “One of the most striking findings of our research is that despite the profound impact of a company’s strategic logic, that logic is often not articulated. And because it goes unstated and unexamined, a company does not necessarily apply a consistent strategic logic across its businesses” (Kim & Mauborgne, 2004). Companies often lose focus of their overall goal causing failure. In today’s times, companies need to develop a strategy that keeps focus on themselves and not the competitor. Due to shared innovation, disruptive innovation has opened many doors of many different areas of strategic thinking.…
Not only does the updated technology affect the cost of health care, but it offers patients a more updated, safer solution compared to equipment and procedures of the past. The rising cost of health care seriously impacts people who may already be suffering financially, denying them the ability to receive proper medical care. There are a limited amount of Americans that can afford routine care with a primary care doctor. Many patients are forced to resort to using the emergency room on an as needed basis. In order to ensure more Americans receive the health care they need, a change in the system must occur. Health care reform is built upon the current health insurance system as a way of providing access to system to provide more people with the ability to gain medical insurance coverage. Health reform also establishes an easy way for consumers to compare and purchase health insurance as well as protect consumers…
In this case, disruptive technology had a great impact on companies. Disruptive technology is new technology that unexpectedly displaces an established technology. DVDs, paid television and movie shows were the established technology, this was how the companies mentioned made their money. Because downloading movies and television shows became more common and easier to do, these companies were at risk because their old technology was replaced by free online movie downloads. Because of the change in technology, these companies had to develop a strategic plan in order to survive. This caused companies to change from old technology and adapt to the new technology.…
Additional forces for change in healthcare include the overall growing demands for care, an aging population, increasing diversity, increasing health inequalities, an economic climate where more is expected for less, increasing competition, increase in availability and use of information technology in healthcare, promotion of patient and staff safety (Burritt, 2005).…
Here in the United States, new medical technology is responsible for half of the growth in health care costs. As new and more effective medical procedures, drugs, and technologies are introduced into the market, the demand grows and more money is invested in them. The money is invested by the government, manufacturers, private investors, and in a minor scale by the health insurers. All the health care benefits and investments are the motivation for technological research and development to continue and accelerate in order to generate more profit (Fuchs & Garber:…
Perhaps more regulations and legislations would be the topic of change for healthcare. It would seem that team based healthcare where in experts across the fields are teaming up with each other to handle different pressures, this is mainly because to reduce healthcare error that have caused more that 250,000USD in some cases, both inflicting cost for the healthcare institution, the insurance providers, and the indivuals as well. other changes would be in technological capital where in evidence based research would provide even more accurate ways to do standard procedures, to very sophisticated ways to handle special cases (Haberberg & Rieple, 2008).…
I this paper I will be describing the process of selecting the current trend or solution to implement into an organization, give 3 useful resources for identifying current trends in health care management industry, give 2 resources that I did not use but reviewed, and explain what was a good resources and what was not (CTU,2015).…
With all that is before us as a society of human beings, health care is far reaching and of the highest attribute next to our existence. Without proper health care life becomes a hollow existence. We push through each day with painful thoughts about life, or what we think we know about it. While we focus on negative feelings of weakness and doom, wishing for better days. Always hoping for a peace that we know will never come in this life without our health. Health care is something everyone is not privilege to have. Billions of people around the world are suffering everyday from lack of proper health care. Unfortunately many have no idea what it is to be healthy, or what it feels like to feel good. They have no idea they are sick, all they know is that they exist. To be numb is what they know, how unfortunate.…