Abiodun kolawole
Identify any ethical concerns and the protection of human rights that are specific to your nursing research project.
Explain the role of the Institutional Review Board.
Select one of the identified nursing theorists and their nursing models as the framework for your nursing research project. (PLS REMEMBER TO DELETE)
The major ethical concerns specific to conducting nursing research are: a) Informed consent:-This is the legal principle that an individual or his or her authorized representative only makes a decision about participation in research study after being given all information needed to make that decision. According …show more content…
to Armiger “it means that a person knowing, voluntarily and intelligently, and in a clear and manifest way, gives his/her content”
b) Beneficence- Do not harm:-This assures the wellness of the research participant, this is sometimes difficult, especially as a nurse when the research study is about the details of the participant’s life, and has to deals with opening old wounds. According to Burns and Grove “discomfort and harm can be physiological, emotional, social and economic in nature”. c) Respect for anonymity and confidentiality:-Because nursing studies examine sensitive areas, such as abusive relationship or sexual function, being identified as a participant in a study can reveal personal and private information about the individual. However research must ensure that participation in the study and responses of individuals are kept confidential.
d) Respect for privacy:-Kelman believes that an invasion of privacy happens when private information such as beliefs, attitudes, opinions and record, is shared with others without the patients’ knowledge or consent. Nurses need to be aware that an “invasion of privacy may cause loss of dignity, friendship or employment, or create feelings of anxiety, guilty, embarrassment or shame. However, both the nature of nursing which focuses on caring, preventing harm and protecting dignity and the advocates role of nurses which calls for defending the rights of subjects, are sometimes incongruent with the ethics in research.
Human rights:-These are claims and demands that have been justified in the eyes of individuals or by the consensus of a group of individuals.
Having rights is necessary for the self –respect, dignity, and health of an individual (Sasson &Nelson, 1971). Researchers and reviewers of research have an ethical responsibility to recognize and protect the rights of human research subjects. The human rights that require protection in research are (1) the right to self-determination, (2) the right to privacy, (3) the right to anonymity and confidentiality, (4) the right to fair treatment, and (5) the right to protections from discomfort and harm ( American Nurses Association [ANA], 2001; American Psychological Association [APA], 2002). Nurses in other countries have developed similar codes of ethics to protect the rights of their patients and to promote ethical conduct in research (Lin et al., 20070.
With respect to health safety issues as related to medication error, nurses who find themselves in this unfortunate state are compelled by professional and moral code to share their experience with other nurses so as to prevent future occurrence. This acts has helped the nursing profession immensely and it will be disservice to the profession if such experience are not shared because the right of such nurses are not …show more content…
Explain the role of the Institutional Review Board.
Institutional Review Board (IRB):-is a board created for the purpose of reviewing any proposal research study to be implemented within an institution. The individuals on an IRB always represent several backgrounds and interests, usually members who are researchers, lay members from the community, and individuals, such as ministers, who have special knowledge and interest in ethics. The variety of the member’s backgrounds helps to ensure that a proposed research study is evaluated from numerous different perspectives.
Role of Institutional Review Boards
Institutional review boards (Irks) play vital roles in protecting human research subjects.
* They review initial research plans to make certain that the plans provide subjects with adequate opportunity to provide informed consent and do not expose subjects to unreasonable risks. * They also conduct continuing review of approved research to ensure that human-subject protections remain in force. * They carry out their initial and continuing review functions in accord with Federal regulations first established in the 1970s and applicable to all research funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or carried out on products regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. * The IRB ensures that the research project include procedures to protect the right of its subjects. They decide if the research project protects the participants from discomfort and harm. * The IRB review the potential benefits of the study and then looks at the relative balance between the actual and potential risks and the potential benefits
Select one of the identified nursing theorists and their nursing models as the framework for your nursing research
An appropriate nursing theory for the nursing research related to “Healthcare Safety Issue” is “Middle- Range Theory” this link nursing to discipline perspective to the practice of nursing without which there will be problem including safety like drug error.
It can be safely inferred that many drug error will be prevented if nurses adhere to the systematic approach noted in “Five Rights” namely right patient, right drug, right time, right dosage and right route. This call for a systematic checks and balances to ensure that doctors medication orders are thoroughly compared with available medication at the time of drug retrieval up to application. This practice tradition is embedded in systematic activities, protocol and guidance of medication and if this wisdom is ignored, error will occur.
Nursing remain in the margin of professional discipline and is in danger of being consumed or ignored if sufficient attention is not given to the uniqueness of its practice (Mary Jane Smith, Patricia R. Liehr)