Nursing Theorist Grid
1. Theorist Selected: Ida Orlando
2. Description of key points of the theory:
a. Patient centered approach.
b. The nurse should quickly respond to patients’ immediate need. The nurse should use their five senses to determine what the most immediate need is and confirm with patient to see if assumption is correct. After the nurse implements the solution the nurse should then follow up with the patient to determine if the solution worked.
3. Theory’s historical background:
Complete the following grid based on the selected theorist information.
Define each term according to the selected theorist.
Explain how the selected theorist’s approach to each element of the metaparadigm applies to the following:
Nursing practice:
Helps remind nurses that the patient’s immediate need should be adressed first and that the patient’s needs should be our focus. It help reinforce use of a systematic approach to patient’s care. It also ensures that the patient should be involved in the thought process of the nurse ensuring that the nurses’ assumptations about the patient’s needs are correct.
Nursing education
Using a systematic approach to problem solving is easy to teach especially become it has a logical step by step approach. Orlando’s theroy is user friend.
Nursing research:
Applied to Nursing Practice
Applied to Nursing Education
Applied to Nursing Research
The person with immediate need who is engaged in helping find the immediate need and helps evaluate if the solution was correct.
I will identify my patients’ immediate need by noticing their verbal and no verbal cues.
Hampe used it to study terminally ill patients’ spouses and found that nurses were avoiding the spouses. (Faust, C. 2002).
When the patient is not suffering from physical or emotional discomfort.
I will re evaluate my patients after intervention to ensure