
Examples Of Foil In Antigone

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Examples Of Foil In Antigone
A foil is a character that contrasts another character, it is usually used with dramatic differences or extreme similarities with a key alteration setting them apart. In the play Antigone, Ismene is a foil to Antigone. Antigone demonstrates strong will and courage while Ismene demonstrates weakness. In the period of a male dominating time, Antigone stands out. She puts her belief and family before her life. In addition, when Sentry brings her to Creon saying it was her who buried Polyneices, she proudly admits it was her doing (2.53). As Creon tells her she will receive execution, she showed no signs of weaknesses and instead agreed. Contrary to Antigone is Ismene. Unlike her sister, she only thinks of the consequences to decisions. She is

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