'Inequality ' in our society is described as 'The unequal distribution of valued social resources ' (Allen and Blakeley 2014, p.13), and 'Difference ' is defined as 'Contrasts between groupings of people ' (Allen and Blakeley 2014, p.25). This essay will distinguish some of the inequalities and differences that are observable on Market Street, In Manchester.
Firstly, Inequalities within Market Street are numerous but subtle. At first glance Market Street seems to thrive on allowing for differences, but some differences are seen as unacceptable. This leads to inequality (such as the allowance to occupy a space and having access to desired items) towards people displaying those 'undesirable ' differences that aren 't deemed to be 'social norms '. …show more content…
Many homeless individuals rely on busking or begging on the street to get by but in a recent interview (Slater 2015) John Jones, a homeless gentleman in Manchester, said they are unfortunately often moved on by the community police or told to move on by shop owners because they 'attract the wrong kind of people '. Furthermore there is a problem with companies either installing or planning to install 'Homeless spikes ' in the area close to Market Street, which prevent the homeless from sheltering in the doorways or crevices around the shops in question (Slater 2015).
Another inequality that is visible on Market Street is the clear lack of any shops aimed towards ethnic minorities that frequent the city. Many people looking for cultural dress and food would have to outsource to other areas of the city, like China Town, the Curry Mile or the Northern Quarter to find items they may require. The majority of the shops on Market Street are of Western influence, possibly making some people feel that the area is not welcoming for