It is important that all ages are respected in society. The life course is a sociological way of categorizing one's life. This perspective consists of five stages of someone's life: childhood (0-12), adolescence (13-17), transitional adulthood …show more content…
Race is physical and biological traits of a person, while ethnicity is cultural characteristics. Race is also a social construct made by people to categorize individuals into groups. Unfortunately, America has had many problems with racial discrimination from the start of this nation to modern day. The mass murders of Native Americans are a tragic example of genocide. Genocide is the eradication of a race or ethnic group. Segregation is the separation of groups of people from other groups. Segregation can still be seen in the United States in instances such as the grouping of people in neighborhoods and in schools. Pluralism (the concept that everyone is equal under the law but do not have access to the same resources) is also prevalent in the United States. In a country of so many diverse races, racial inequality is an issue that is far-reaching and difficult to eliminate. However, one can be hopeful that by looking back on how far this country has come, racial equality can only