
Examples Of Ophelia's Death In Hamlet

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Examples Of Ophelia's Death In Hamlet
Ophelia’s Suffering Brought About by Hamlet Hamlet, a tragic love story, begins with Hamlet and Ophelia being forbidden to see each other by Ophelia’s father. Eventually, as the play continues, Hamlet begins to lash out not only at Ophelia, but at all who attempt to get close to him, as a result of his father’s death. Amidst Hamlet’s bouts of “madness” he hurts many of those who love him, including Ophelia. Throughout Hamlet, Ophelia consistently suffers as a result of the actions of her love interest, Hamlet, ultimately ending in her demise. One of the first examples of Hamlet’s lashing out toward Ophelia is the nunnery scene. Hamlet essentially states that he never loved Ophelia, she is obviously hurt upon hearing this as any woman would

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