Iemanja is one of the names used in Brazil for the orixa god of the sea, but there are many other names used for the same god. For example, in Cuba, the god is known as Yemaya. The day of the week that is represented for this orixa is Saturday,and on this day the people that relate to this god, . Some of the symbols used to represent her include the silver crown, blue fan, sea shell, and coral. Most of these symbols help to reflect that fact
that she is the god of the sea. Because food is a significant part of the religion, for Iemanja, the food used to represent her is . Jewelry is also important in representing the gods, so ___. The Catholic religion is a part of Candomblé , because it is syncretic and blends together both Catholicism and African beliefs. As a result the orixa god of Iemanja is also associated with a Catholic Saint, which in this case is. The main color that she is identified with is blue, especially because she is the god of the sea. However, other colors are related to her that also have ocean shades, such as transparent blue and green. Iemanja orixa represents the importance of “the sea, maternity and the essence of all motherhood” The protection that this orixa offers is Iansa is another god recognized in Brazil in the Candomblé relgion, but also has many variations in the name, especially depending on the country. The associated day of the week for her is Wednesday. Like Iemanja, there are several different symbols that are used to describe her, including a fly whisk and a copper crown with 9 points. These nine points most likely refer to the nine children that she had. In addition, Iansa is known as the mother and “is strong winds, storms, hurricanes, lightning, fire and female power”. Furthermore, she represents the idea of the “mother” which is a prominent figure, as well as the fact that “She lives at the cemetary gates and is the guardian of the dead” The foods that Iansa is related to are. jewelry, The Catholic Saint that is related to the Iansa orixa is the Saint of . The protection she provides is actually quite profound. The colors that are correlated with Iansa include red, white, brown, and pink.