
Examples Of Paranoia In Macbeth

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Examples Of Paranoia In Macbeth
Through Macbeth’s paranoia and belief of the prophecies, Shakespeare ultimately demonstrates that the three witches have the most responsibility over his actions. Although initially Macbeth is hesitant at succumbing to his innermost desires as revealed by initially, he is easily pushed to prevent or help certain parts of the prophecy. Once Macbeth is crowned king and forced to confront the prospect of Banquo’s descendants’ eventual kinghood, Macbeth devolves into madness, claiming, “To be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus- / Our fears in Banquo stick deep, / And in his royalty of nature reigns that / Which would be feared” (3.1.48-51). Because Macbeth believes that fate crowned him king, Macbeth is also willing to believe that the prophesized

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