1. In 1970 the United States had its moment of peak oil when we produced 10 million barrels of oil a day, we are now down to 5 million barrels a day. We consume 20 million barrels of oil each day and every day that demand increases.
2. Mankind has never lived without water, it is the substance upon which we depend; it is the foundation of life. The quality and quantity of water is in dire danger.
Prophets of Doom Opinions
1. All human beings need to become more self-sufficient and less reliant on resources that are limited. If oil become extinct, people will have to rely on one another to grow food and survive.
2. Water is a precious resource that we take for granted. People need to become more and not
so wasteful when it come. If everyone in the world took a five minute shower instead of a fifteen minute shower, or shut the water off while they were brushing their teeth then we could save thousands of gallons of water a day.
HOME Facts
1. Around the North Pole the ice cap has lost thirty percent of its surface area in thirty years. Greenland’s ice contains twenty percent of the fresh water of the entire planet. If it melts sea levels will rise by nearly 7 meters. Greenland’s ice sheet suffers from greenhouse gases that are admitted elsewhere on earth.
2. In one hour, the sun gives the earth the same amount of energy is that consumed by all humanity in one year. As long as the earth exists, the suns energy is inexhaustible.
HOME Opinions
1. Global warming, which is mainly caused by carbon dioxide and methane emissions, deforestation and chemical fertilizers, is extremely injuring the earths cycle. Because of this, ice caps are melting so sea levels are rising, therefor coral reefs are disappearing, many species are going extinct, and massive crops are failing. If the world as a whole becomes more efficient by using the suns energy then we can help eliminate global warming and save what exists now.