
Examples Of Racial Inequality In America

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Examples Of Racial Inequality In America
Racial Inequality In America

Over the past decade there have been many cases of racial inequality, specifically police officers. 3 cases over the years define social inequality, 3 white police officers shot an unarmed black man in LA, a unarmed teen in Cincinnati shot and killed by a police officer, and the 3 officers in Minnesota who won’t be disciplined for shooting and killing an unarmed black man.
The first case is 3 White police officers shooting and killing an unarmed black man. “Marquise Hudspeth, 25, was fatally shot by three white police officers following a car chase.” Marquise Hudspeth a 25 year old black man was fatally shot by police following a car chase. “The chase ended with his cellular phone being mistaken for a pistol.” The police made a careless mistake in thinking his cell phone was a
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“Thomas was shot once in the chest by Officer Stephan Roach in Over-the-Rhine, a poor neighborhood near the city’s downtown.” The police officer Stephan Roach shot an unarmed teen Timothy Thomas in a chase down in a poor neighborhood. “Roach encountered Thomas as Roach rounded a corner and fired once. Roach would later say he thought Thomas went for a gun in his waistband.” Roach turned a corner and shot Thomas in the chest, Roach then lied and said Thomas went for a gun in his waistband. “Thomas, the father of a 3-month-old child, did not have a weapon when he was shot.” Thomas, who had a baby 3 months ago was killed without a weapon. His life was taken and the 3 month old child will grow up without a father because of Roach’s decision to shoot him. “Timothy Thomas was fatally shot by a White police officer who attempted to arrest him on 14 warrants.” Thomas was originally being arrested for 14 warrants which led to chase and him being killed. Although it was right for Thomas to be arrested, he didn’t deserve to die for having 14

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